Price Increases: The Time Has Come

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The time has come. I have to raise prices.

Chocolate demand continues to far outpace supply. The weather isn’t helping the cocoa crop. No supplier can shield me from the hikes any longer. The price of the rich, creamy chocolates we serve at Top This has gone up over 22% in one year. 

I held off as long as possible. My other options would have been 1. switch to lesser quality ingredients (yuk!) or 2. make the products smaller. Both mean charging the same price for something lesser. How rude! I’d rather charge what it costs to continue to deliver good portions of something great. I hope you agree.

So you’ll notice this holiday season that some prices have gone up... a little. However I have kept the price of most of the chocolate bars on the shelf the same. The ones that increased are the ones with special premium toppings or messages as well as the custom products which require time and labor. In January the rest of the bars will have to go up as well. I hope that you, the premium chocolate lover, understand. To ease the blow, if you are on the email list, take advantage of promotions that will be emailed during the holiday season. As always, I welcome your feedback by clicking "Contact Us" at the bottom right of this page. To join the email list, subscribe also at the bottom right of this page. Thank you for your support.


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